Message created on:
Tuesday, December 9, 1997

From:Jirkapetzel (
Subject: Re: THX SUCKS
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Jamie Bentley wrote on 06-Dez-97:

> That THS program stops all mods/meds and ABK songs from playing... Its a
> virus, not a program!

This is not a virus ! I think, it's a bug in the THX extension (Jotre) because
i've got the same problem during the development of my extension (DOOM Music Extension).
But i've removed this bug. :)

You can use the DME for playing THX sounds with different commands like
Thx Vu,Thx Continue,Thx Voice (for playing SFX) etc. It's available on Mush's homepage.

Best regards

Thomas "Vanor" Reetz
Author of the DOOM Music Extension

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